I hope you like 80's fashion trends because they are making a big comeback

HEYYYYY GUYYS.. I am once again siting in my room in front of this dreadful screen for past 3hrs having a dreadful week on a dreadful monday. Okay. Ik. THE week just.. started but trust me its still dreadful. Its more horrifying than a horror  movie trailer. Anyways there is one good thing which is I am writing this blog, infact its the best thing.
 I know you already read the title and that is what you came here for and you in no case want to know more about my dreadful week. day.We'll get straight to the point. If you have noticed 1980s trends you"ll find a lot of them are making a comeback BIG TIME in 2017 which I am not sure if it is making bounce in excitement or horror but anyways we'll look into it and see how we can incorporate them in a more modern way. so here it is.


 We can all see ruffles all around us and this is not just confined to celebrity trends all high end to lower end brands are showcasing ruffles and I personally love this trend. Ruffles are cute but not too many mostly the ones on the seleves. What i would recommend is buy tops or dresses with ruffles are plain and don't have any kind of prints because that looks messy and confusing.

Okay so this is something confusing. First of all pegging is not same as cuffing, the only difference is PEGGing is really tight like the rolls are tight whereas in cuffing the rolls are loose infact you don't even roll you fold while you cuff your jeans and roll while pegg your jeans. Overall its a cute trend and reminds me of MONICA from FRIENDS  (idk why!).

Well this one is so cute I absolutely love graphics and these customized denims are like the best they are like so creative and cute. Plus can so easily lift up your entire look and instantly look high end chic just make sure you are not looking like a rainbow and try to use ad less colour in your look as possible because these denims are very colourful themselves.

Okay so lets get it straight, mirrored sunglasses have now been creating a buzz for a while. But if you ask me I am not a fan, really I don't like seeing my face on someone's sunglasses when I am talking to talk it too distracting. Inspite there are a lot of people who absolutely love these kind of  glasses and no offense against them. AND even though I do like it how it appears from a distance and it is quintessential (yup you guessed it right I just learned this word today so i made it a point to myself that i use it in my blog) for making a bold statement and adding a punch of colour to a minimalist outfit.

Yes it will surprise me if you are telling me you haven't seen anyone wearing such heels or you never even saw them at CLARK's because yes! they are breaking trends right now white shoes and white are getting too much. I swear (kinda makes me jealous. huh!)  AND AND AND.. what i like most about these kind of heels is that they are platform-block heels. You know what that mans... COMFORT!!

These well I think are really cute, they as well add structure to your outfit which in turn makes you look bit more chic and expensive. BONUS POINTS because they add length to your shoulders they end making your waist look relatively thinner. AWWWWEEESOME

These are I believe one of the most difficult items to pair up and style of all I have mentioned so far. I only have one such pair of pants and I always struggle to pair it up and have so far only been able to quintessentially style it with one top. So one tip is to style it with a skin tight or bodycon top that well definitely look good. And the one thing you need to know about these pants is that they 1000000 time more comfy than you think. YES EVEN DENIMS 

okay well that is it for now I hope you enjoyed ( and I didn't bore you much ) If you liked it please share it with your friends as well and follow me on my other social media channel for daily updates and sneak peek into my life.

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Also watch my latest videos
11 Amazing Lifehacks that will make your life 10x easy
How to Look Stylish | Clothing Hacks
How to Add a Personal Touch to Your Outfit

until then
keep smiling :)


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