My All Time Favorite Look

Heyy guyss, today's post is going to be very different from what I have done so far. I usually write about hacks and all those lastest, most random fashion trends. But today's post is going to be an OOTD. This look is my all time favorite as obviously the title says. When it comes to playing dress up in real life trendy look is a thing but comfort is above all and this look is all about comfort yet it looks fashion forward since we all know how trendy strips are these days.

It is a very basic look I've always preferred dresses or skirts over jeans (skinny jeans especially) I don't love the feeling of clothes sticking onto my skin tight particularly when the weather is against your whims (its almost fall and yet so hot here) and that is absolutely my personal preference so here paired up a regular flow-y black and white striped dress with white shoes and slightly above ankle length black mesh socks. On top of it I styled the dresss up with a belt so that the dress grips at my waist making it look relatively thinner. I choose not to carry any bag but only my phone. Also this dress has pockets which is again a PLUS.

I ordered this dress over KOOVS (shop the dress here) shoes are from GINGER (Lifestyle Stores) socks and belt are from a local store in my city.

Have a look.

For now that was it, Let me know down in the comments section what do you think of this look and does you're kind of a look looks like, I would love to know. Also please don't forget to share it with your friends. Also I have a lot of fun interesting things coming up very soon on both my blog and my YOUTUBE channel so make sure you follow me on my social media channels for regular updates and sneak peek into my daily life.

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Facebook   Bhavya Arora
ROPOSO  bhavyaarora34      
twitter bhavyaaroraxo
PINTEREST Self Couture | Bhavya Arora 
YouTube Self Couture

until then,
keep smiling :)
XO Bhavya 

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of these pictures they have been taken up from over the internet, however the content is 100% original and of my own.

Also I have been looking to collaborate with other creators for videos, blogs and even guest blogging opportunity so if anyone of you belong to similar niche please let me know down in the comments section or email me. 


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